Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Good News!!

Since getting home Lily's ears have been clogged, a hard wax they have not been able to get out. Doctor said is was almost like concrete, Jeff had read where 60% of Asians have this hard wax compared to the soft wax most people have. So first visit with ear doctor he said he would not touch them, it was too hard. So, we have been on ear drops for the last 3 weeks, went in today and it was soft enough to suck out the wax. He said he would have to strap her down but if it got too traumatic he would have to gas her, luckily even though she was screaming and crying he was able to get the wax out!!!!! He said the ear drums looked fine and seemed to be functioning well, so NO hearing test was needed, praise God. Here are finally some photos of Lily and daddy from Father's Day and a few from this past weekend.


The Princess's Mommy said...

Hooray for NO infections!! That's great news! The Father's Day pictures are great!! I LOVE her little playhouse.
Have a great day!

RamblingMother said...

That passie is cute.

Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

Lily is so precious!

Glad to hear the good news about her ears...I had a similiar situation as an adult and let me tell you, it was not fun when they went in there to get out the wax....

Thanks for visiting our blog, maybe Sarah will try Lily's trick with bubbles next time :)

Be back soon!


Maddy and Zeke's Mom said...

Thatis good news! What a cutie.

Allie, Katie and Harper's Mom said...

Love all the new pics and I'm so
happy to hear that Lily's ears
are getting better!!! Allie's
now down with an ear infection!

Take Care,


Allie, Katie and Harper's Mom said...

Love all the new pics and I'm so
happy to hear that Lily's ears
are getting better!!! Allie's
now down with an ear infection!

Take Care,


Shawnstribe said...

so glad all went well, it sounded traumatic : (
hugs to your princess Lily

Ashley Winters said...

My oldest daughter has the wax problem too. I try to put drops in her ears during bathtime. It seems to help.

Anonymous said...


I have heard this before. Thanks for the post. I must check out Jane's ears!

Sylvia said...

We had the same problem with our daughter, although I don't remember the trauma, just that their ear wax was hard and difficult to get out. Next time I will ask for the ear drops!

Jewels of My Heart said...

Hi Amy, That is good news. I know you must be relieved!
I received a message from Starfish that they received your donation but they didn't send your mailing info. Will you please email me your address so I can have your books mailed out to you.
Thank you so much and have a blessed day.

mommy24treasures said...

that is wonderful they were able to get it out.
Thanks for coming by.
How wonderful that you and your sister have both adopted! What a wonderful bond you share.

Snickerdoodle said...

My oldest has the hardest ear wax too! After it started affecting her hearing, the doc blasted it out with the syringe. One week later, it was back!!!!! I simply couldn't believe it. BACK!!!!!

It's an ongoing issue at our house, that's for sure!!

Thanks for visiting our blog.
Happy summer!!
dd Sunsine 7 Viet Nam
dd Brilliance 2 China

Snickerdoodle said...

That's SUNSHINE :)